A Royal Carriage

A Heart Inscribed 'St. Nicholaas Geschen' ( St. Nicholas Gift )

and A Mermaid


18th Century Dutch Fruitwood Gingergread Mould; Royal Carriage and Heart inscribed 'St. Nicholaas Geschenk' 


A two-sided panel with three incised carvings:

one side with the mould of a Royal Carriage,

the reverse carved with

a heart shaped mould, inscribed

"St. Nicholaas Geschenk"

"St. Nicholas Gift"),

above a mermaid with harp

and a large handled basket or cooking pot;

a hook for hanging horizontally


Condition :
Expected end wear and

a shrinkage split to one end


18.5" High x 9.25" Wide; Thickness, 1.25"






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18th Century Dutch Fruitwood Gingergread Mould; Royal Carriage and Heart inscribed 'St. Nicholaas Geschenk' 



18th Century Dutch Fruitwood Gingergread Mould; Royal Carriage and Heart inscribed 'St. Nicholaas Geschenk' 


The Royal Carriage with King (with scepter) and Queen, & Two Coachmen


18th Century Dutch Fruitwood Gingergread Mould; Royal Carriage and Heart inscribed 'St. Nicholaas Geschenk' 


The Four Horses with Bridles & Reins


18th Century Dutch Fruitwood Gingergread Mould; Royal Carriage and Heart inscribed 'St. Nicholaas Geschenk' 


18th Century Dutch Fruitwood Gingergread Mould; Royal Carriage and Heart inscribed 'St. Nicholaas Geschenk' 



The Historic Gingerbread Wooden Moulds :


During the 15th and 16th centuries, European artisans capable complex woodcuts and engravings

were often enlisted by Royals to design and carve "gingerbread moulds" to support their political positions.

In 1487, Emperor Frederick III, to increase his public approval,

ordered 4000 gingerbread cookies with his image to give to the children of his domain.

And in the late 1500s, Queen Elizabeth I , as a symbol of affection,

commissioned life-sized gingerbread sculptures of her Royal guests of honor.

Both introduced the "human form" to already-ancient gingerbread.

During the 17th century, "mould cutters" strove to further perfect these rich images,

carved in detailed shallow relief.

These moulds became highly prized heirlooms handed down through the centuries,

from mother to daughter, as part of her dowry.

Most of the carvings of that period are now in European museums or large private collections.





Click Below for the First of Our 2023 Christmas Catalogs,

and more about Gingerbread :










New & Incoming Catalog, 2023, M. Ford Creech Antiques








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18th Century Dutch Fruitwood Gingergread Mould; Royal Carriage and Heart inscribed 'St. Nicholaas Geschenk' 


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